

These Active Athletes Are Venture Capitalists...


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Noah Lack

Noah breaks each athlete's fund structure, what they invested in, and the difference between each.

Episode Description

Mario Götze of Frankurt, Thaddeus Young of the Toronto Raptors, and Alejandro Bedoya are a rare new breed of active athletes who have Venture Capital funds. Venture Capital is incredibly hard to break into, and even harder to succeed in. But athletes are becoming more drawn to it. Will these three gentleman succeed? Time will tell. Noah breaks each fund structure, what they invested in, and the difference between each.

Episode Breakdown

0:00 - Solo Pod Time! Like & Subscribe!

1:00 - Athletes Getting Into The World Of VC - Will They Succeed?

4:30 - Mario Götze

11:30 - Thaddeus Young

19:00 - Alejandro Bedoya

23:00 - What Are Your Thoughts? Let Us Know! See You Next Episode

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